Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Failure Is An Option...Or At Least I Hope It Is

Failure is not an option! Second place is the first loser! We need to focus on their strengths, not their weaknesses!

Any of that sound familiar?

We live in a world today that teaches us that we are not allowed to fail. We hate having to discuss failure with our children and seeing the pain that it causes them to the extent that we never allow them to fail. But this leads me to a question: It that realistic?

I mean really, is there anyone out there that has never failed? Anyone?

I heard the other day that Donald Trump is filing for bankruptcy. Again! This is the guy that has written books, done seminars, and placed his mug in front of as many cameras as he could touting that he knows what it takes to succeed. But, then he fails!

Can I tell everyone a dirty little secret? Shhhhhhh, come close……I HAVE FAILED!!!!

There have been times in my life that I have felt like such a failure that I never thought I would feel anything different.

But, I have learned a lot through my failure:
- I learned I better keep my eyes on the field and don’t look up at the ball when covering a punt. (That one hurt)
- I learned that winning does not always have to be reflected on the scoreboard.
- I learned that if you treat girls that way, they may not want to have anything to do with you.
- I learned that doing the right thing can cost you a job. (Yeah, I know that one is not really failure, but to many people on the outside who saw the job loss. They probably thought I was a failure with knowing the details)
- I learned that once you say a word, it can never be taken back.
- I learned the tighter I held on to something the more it slipped through my fingers.
- I learned that I can not control everything.
- I learned you better love and cherish those friends and family you have, because they will not be there forever.
- I learned I NEEDED Christ!

It is this last one that I want to focus on for a moment.

You see, there were things about scripture that I did not understand for a long time. (There are still a lot of things I do not understand, but that is another very lengthy post) Here is the one that kept me up at night the most: How can Christ teach us that it is in our weakness that we become strong. Really! Strength through Weakness! Huh? Because in the world that I see, if you even admit that you have a weakness you are kept at the bottom of the ladder. Because in the world that I see, our children are only hearing how great they are and how much “stuff” they “deserve” because we don’t want them to have any negative feelings or a bad self image. I am not seeing a world that embraces ones weakness. So, Christ must be setting us up to fail, right……Far from it.

In my life, it was when I was able to finally accept my weaknesses and my failures that I realized that Christ gave me a way to overcome them. Do I overcome them through understanding the psychology behind why I make those mistakes in life? No. Do I overcome them by developing a stronger core and therefore allowing the failures to fall away? No. I overcome them by going to Christ each and every day and letting Him know that I know that I am a failure. Then out of the Goodness of God and His Strength, He picks me up and looks me in the eyes and lets me know that through Him I can do all things. His Strength through my weakness. It is at that moment that I feel the greatest strength that I have ever felt and know that victory is possible. It is at that moment that I truly feel comfortable being who I am and who God made me to be.

Do I feel this strength at all times? No. And because I do not always feel this strength, those feelings of failure tend to creep back up and weigh me down. I begin to P&M (lets just call it pout and moan) and feel that the world is out to get me. I begin to get angry with myself and feel that I am not good enough for God. I look around at all the “Good Christians” that have it all together and wish I knew how they “lived the right life”. (When they really don’t, they just like to put on the face of having it all together….don’t get me started on that) I begin to crawl back to Christ to let Him know that I am not worthy to be around Him and that I have decided not waste His time with one more failure. And when I lift my face from the dirt, I see Him standing there holding a sign that reads, “Failures Welcome”.

As Christians we want to know how to shine the Light of Christ to world. Maybe we should allow the world to see our weaknesses. Maybe we should hang a sign over the entry of our churches that reads, “Failures Dwell Within, Come Join Us”…..then maybe His strength will shine through our lives.

Keep Looking Up!